Education Guardian University Guide (Archaeology)

Education Guardian University Guide (Archaeology),,2032944,00.html
Interesting look at archaeology as a University course choice in the UK:
"Indiana Jones, lost arks and temples of doom made archaeology cool 20 years ago, and interest in the subject has continued ever since. Today, in the UK, programmes like Time Team and Meet the Ancestors continue to engage the public with archaeology.
Archaeology is learning about the past through its physical remains, for example, a Roman bath and mosaics or sketches in a mountain cave that depicted daily life 5,000 years ago.
Archaeology courses should give you the practical skills of excavation, but also, just as importantly, teach you to examine what you find and piece it together to get an idea of how we used to live, and where, and how life and the environment has changed.
You'll also learn how to apply what you know of the past to the present, particularly in terms of the politics and economic considerations of heritage tourism."
See the above page for more details.

A list of the UK's universities offering Archaeology courses, organized as a league table, is available at:

A list of skills needed for or produced by studying archaeology is listed at:

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