EES conference a great success!

EES conference a great success!


The Egypt Exploration Society Annual Conference was held in the Brunei Gallery and Suite at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London on the weekend of 22-23 June 2008. The title of the conference was ‘The Kingdom of Osiris: aspects of funerary archaeology’ and EES members and guests heard talks on a wide-range of topics from Dr Alice Stevenson, Prof Harco Willems, Dr Marleen De Meyer, Prof Geoffrey Martin, Dr Martin Bommas, Dr John Taylor, Dr Aidan Dodson, Mr Chris Naunton, Prof Rosalie David and Ms Caroline Simpson.

The Society’s Vice-Chair, Dr Paul Nicholson, chaired the conference, which was attended by over 130 members and guests, some of whom had travelled to London for the conference from as far afield as Switzerland, Belgium and the USA. The comment forms completed by members at the end of the event were overwhelmingly positive:

‘Very coherent group of lectures which complemented each other well in the chosen theme’

‘Superb weekend, well organised & managed, all speakers great stuff’

‘Excellent day and speakers’

‘A very interesting conference. The topics were well chosen and complemented each other’

‘The organisation of the 2 days and the attitude of the speakers was perfect. The staff at SOAS are very helpful and friendly. Congrats all round to the Doughty Mews team’

‘Excellent conference – really enjoyed the weekend’

‘Excellent speakers and lectures – thank you!’

Members also made suggestions (including possible topics) for future events which will be taken into consideration when these are planned. The Society is very grateful to all the speakers for their participation, and to the staff at SOAS for ensuring the success of the event.

Forthcoming EES events include a lecture by Francesco Tiradritti on the Tomb of Harwa (11 July - TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE) and study days on Deir el Medina (25 Oct) and ancient Egyptian technology (13 Dec). Please contact the Society for details: [email protected], +44 (0)20 7242 1880,

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