Egypt at the Indian Museum

Egypt at the Indian Museum
Development work at the Indian Museum in Calcutta has included an overhaul of the Egyptian display: "The Egyptian gallery, boasting a 5,000-year-old mummy, had already undergone a facelift with state-of-the-art preservation techniques and illuminated displays . . . . The Egyptian gallery highlights the era from 5000 BC to 300 BC, including the pre-historic era, unification of Upper and Lower Egypt and the various dynasties. Spanning roughly 1,600 sq ft, the gallery displays articles, pictures and other artefacts, with the mummy holding centrestage.
The gallery has been air-conditioned and has separate sections for different eras of the Egyptian civilisation. Special preservation methods were introduced for the mummy. . . . The gallery boasts both original artefacts from Egypt as well as miniatures and copies. The entire display is centred around a fibreglass Giza pyramid and the mummy. Various articles of daily use, like utensils, gold statues and other items, which were buried along with the mummified Egyptian pharaohs, are displayed".

See the above article on the Indian Telegraph for the full story. I had a hunt around for the Museum'w website to see if there were more details, but the only link I could find was the one below. Many of the pages are broken, and calendar/exhibition information is very out of date. If anyone knows of another and more up to date link please let me know:

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