Egypt to recover illegally obtained alabaster vesels

Egypt to recover illegally obtained alabaster vesels (
"El ministro egipcio de Cultura, Faruq Hosni, anunció que su país recuperará dos urnas de alabastro con forma de pato que datan del Imperio Medio (2025-1795 a.C.) y que fueron sacadas de contrabando fuera de Egipto. Las dos piezas arqueológicas, que eran usadas para contener alimentos fueron descubiertas en 1979 por el experto estadounidense Dieter Arnold en la pirámide del faraón Amenemhat III (1860-1814 a.C.), precisó el ministro en un comunicado."

Rough translation: The Egyptian Minister of Cutlure, Farouk Hosni, has announced that Egypt will recover two duck-shaped alabaster vesesls dating to the Middle Kingdom, and which were smuggled out of Egypt. According to informtaion from the Minsitry, he two artefacts, which were used as food containers, were discovered in 1979 by Dieter Arnold in the pyramid of the Pharaoh Amenemhat III.

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