Egyptian alabaster, modern and ancient

Egyptian alabaster, modern and ancient
"The Ancient Egyptians believed that alabaster was associated with the sun gods. For this reason, it was chosen to cover the walls of temples and tombs; even sarcophagi were built from the harder veins. The religious significance has been passed down through the ages. Early Christian churches were decorated with alabaster, and, to this day you can find many of the altars in Egyptian churches made from the stone. The tradition carried on with the arrival of Islam: The most famous example of this is Mohammed Ali’s Alabaster Mosque at the Citadel, so called because the mosque’s exterior is sheathed in the stone."

- Remnants Of Islamic, Coptic Buildings Discovered In Luxor
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- Daily Photo - Alabaster Vases From The Petrie
UC13261 fine alabaster vase; repaired, piece missing from rim, replaced with plastecine; rims of collar practically same size. Probably purchased in Cairo - presented by Guy Brunton. 17cm. 6th Dynasty? UC13267. Alabaster vase highly polished gracefully...

- Restoration Of The Mosque Of Al-zahir Baybars
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- Artifact Removed From Ny Auction ("A 4000-year-old Egyptian alabaster container shaped like a duck and used for a funeral offering has been withdrawn from auction because it may be stolen property, Christie's auction house said on Monday....

- Kv63 Update Otto Schaden's dig diary has been updated: "Much has happened in the last two weeks, as Coffin’A’ (the first coffin) panel pieces and ‘mask’ were safely raised and relocated into KV-10. In addition,...

