Egyptian and Hebrew Connections

Egyptian and Hebrew Connections
"Egypt is indisputably a part of the Biblical tradition. This much is clear, not only from the role the country plays in providing the setting for certain famous episodes in both Old and New Testaments, but in the contribution made to the Hebrew worldview by its language, culture and thought. " An article about connections between the Egyptian and Hebrew civilizations.

- What Is A Pharaoh And Why Not Call Him A King? (Diana Gainer) The "Word Geek" generally prefers calling a spade a spade. But the ancient king of Egypt was called a pharaoh for a reason. Nobody else’s king was a pharaoh. This word comes from a real and actual Egyptian word. The English...

- Bubonic Plague Originated In Egypt? (old News)
Associated Content This article, dating to 7th September, popped up today on Google Alerts, but actually dates back to 2004, when it was quite widely reported. The article quotes the source of the piece as a National Geographic article dated to March...

- Oldest Writing
During an excavation in Jerusalem just south of the walls of the old city a clay chip from a 3400 year old clay tablet covered in cuneiform script has shown the importance of that city in the late Bronze age. Researchers from Hebrew University...

- The Tomb Of Aper-el

- High Priest Of The Aten

