Egyptian Archaeology 39

Egyptian Archaeology 39

Egypt Exploration Society

Egyptian Archaeology 39

EA 39 (Autumn 2011) was published in early November 2011. In addition to regular features such as ‘Digging Diary’, ‘Bookshelf’ and items of EES news, the issue includes the second in the series of short interviews with leading Egyptologists, Five minutes with Salima Ikram, and the following articles:

Joanne Rowland and Jeffrey Spencer, The EES Delta Survey in spring 2011

Eva Lange, The EES Amelia Edwards Projects Fund: Tell Basta

Alice Williams, An Egyptological friendship

Hiroko Kariya and Ray Johnson, Luxor temple: conservation and site-management

Faye Kalloniatis, The shroud of Ipu at Norwich Castle Museum

Steven E Sidebotham and Iwona Zych, Berenike: Egypt’s Red Sea gateway to the east

Dirk Huyge and Dimitri A G Vandenberghe, Confirming the Pleistocene age of the Qurta rock art

Hourig Sourouzian, Investigating the mortuary temple of Amenhotep III

Campbell Price and Gina Criscenzo-Laycock, ACCES-ing Egyptian and Sudanese collections in the UK

Gianluca Miniaci, Re-excavating rishi coffins in museums and archives

Tamás Bács and Richard Parkinson, Wall paintings from the tomb of Kynebu at Luxor

Bookshelf has reviews by Aidan Dodson (Glenn Janes, The Shabti Collections, 1; West Park Museum, Macclesfield), Richard Bussmann (Christopher Woods (ed.), Visible Language. Inventions of writing in the ancient Middle East and beyond), Eva Lange (Mohamed I Bakr, Helmut Brandl and Faye Kalloniatis, Egyptian Antiquities from Kufur Nigm and Bubastis) and Gianluca Miniaci (Bill Manley and Aidan Dodson, Life Everlasting. National Museums Scotland Collection of Ancient Egyptian Coffins). There is also a review by David Jeffreys of the BBC DVD Egypt's Lost Cities.

Digging Diary has brief reports on recent fieldwork in Egypt.

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