Egyptian items in annual Hanover auction

Egyptian items in annual Hanover auction (
"Anyone in the market for an Egyptian mummified falcon that predates the birth of Christ can scoot over to the Birchwood Manor Antique Show.
But bring along $8,500, and an admiration of all things ancient and beautiful.
This is the 100th edition of the twice-yearly show, organizer Jesse Kohler said on Saturday, and it concludes today after being open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sue McGovern, president of Washington, D.C.,-based Sands of Time antiques, had some of the more aged treasures of ancient China and Egypt on display, including the mummified bird cadaver."

- Albany Mummies To Go Under The Scanner
YNN  (Beth Croughan) With Video. It's the most popular exhibition at the Albany Institute of History and Art. But Saturday, part of the Ancient Egypt display is taken out of the museum to unwrap a mystery. There were no sirens as the Five Quad...

- Disputed Mummies Returned To Sca
Daily Star The Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) has received eight bird mummies, previously at display at the corporate office Al-Mahala Textile factory. In a press release sent to Daily News Egypt, The council announced the end of the dispute between...

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- Egyptomania: Modern Fascination For An Ancient Civilization An artcile about the Egyptomania exhibition currently showing in Worcester, U.S.: "A charming new exhibit at the Worcester Art Museum reveals the wonder Europeans felt as they once...

- Volunteer For Mummification
A call has gone out for a terminally ill person to give their body to be mummified in the Egyptian manner for a television show. There is hope that afterward the mummified corpse will be put on display in a museum....

