Egyptian Monarchy Averted

Egyptian Monarchy Averted

Gamal Mubarak who was widely believed and was being groomed to replace his father as president has among other officials of Egypt's ruling party the NDP  been forced to resign. Now the sooner that president Mubarak goes the sooner Egypt can return to prosperity and Egyptian's can get back to work.

- Repatriation: Tetiky Paintings Return To Egypt Fro Louvre In France (Zahi Hawass) With photo. For anyone who missed the story there's a good summary on Al Ahram Weekly by Nevine El-Aref explaining the background to the return of the paintings to Egypt (also with photo). I am pleased that the five paintings...

- Zahi Hawass On Paris Exhibition Hawass's occasional column in Al Ahram Weekly is focused in this issue on the Paris exhibition "The Glory of the Pharaohs" which focuses mainly on the work of two important early French Egyptologists. He...

- Is It Time For Mubarak To Be Arrested?
President Mubarak has promised he will leave in the fall though I fear that if the crowds were to disperse that the dictator may be convinced to change his mind. Thirty years of oppression on the Egyptian people is not an acceptable means of stability...

- Police Break Up Pro Democracy Rally
Egyptian riot police have broken up an illegal pro democracy demonstration held to call for a change in the Egyptian constitution for running for president. The Egyptian constitution only allows the ruling party to pick a nominee for president. There...

- Challenging The President
Mohamed ElBaradei is the former head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, a recipient of the Nobel prize in 2005 and a potential challenger of Egyptian President for life Hosni Mubarak. Under Egyptian law only the ruling party can put forward a...

