Egyptian Rock Art

Egyptian Rock Art
In an article entitled "In the footsteps of Count Laszlo" a trip into the Western (Libyan) Desert is described by writer and poet Robert Twigger. The destination is the Gilf Kebir, with the Cave of Swimmers, made famous in the movie The English Patient. He recounts the activities of both Laszlo Almasy and Mestakawi, and describes both the desert and the rock art. I am hoping to go to the Gilf Kebir in October with Ancient World Tours, and this brought it one step nearer.

The Yahoo! email address listed for Robert Twigger doesn't work, by the way. It is shown at the end of the feature for use by anyone who would like to go on the expedition he is planning to take to the Gilf later this year, but it is not recognized as a valid email address by Yahoo.

- Online Resource: Inora
International Newsletter on Rock Art For anyone interested in rock art, Egyptian or otherwise, it may be worth checking out the above INORA page. The newsletter is available to download free of charge in PDF format. The most recent issue showing on the...

- Gilf Kebir - Join The Club
Gulf Life (Richard Hoath) The Gilf Kebir, on the south-western corner of Egypt’s Western Desert – remote, uninhabited, virtually rainless – holds a particular place in desert lore. Named and mapped only as recently as 1926 by Prince Kamal Al-Din,...

- Travel: Adventure Tourism
The Independent Robert Twigger has been off on his travels again. I reported one of his earlier trips to the Gilf Kebir in June 2005. This time Twigger looks at the phenomenon of Adventure Tourism - going to out of the way places which very few foreign...

- Travel: The Gilf Kebir article about the scenery and rock art of the Gilf Kebir: "Rock art is the oldest form of art left by the human race. While few countries are blessed with samples of such art, Egypt enjoys a handful of them....

- Gilf Kebir Feature The Tour Egypt website has been updated this week with a feature on the Gilf Kebir, by Allan Watson. The Gilf Kebir is in one of the driest areas of the world - rainfall is so meagre that it cannot...

