Egyptian sites - open or closed to visitors?

Egyptian sites - open or closed to visitors?

I have been having quite a few conversations recently with people who want to know whether or not certain sites are open - either so that they can update their websites with reliable information, or so that they can plan their visits. Trying to find out this information is always a bit of a game, so I asked Bob Partridge (Editor of Ancient Egypt Magazine) for his advice. Here is what he says (with my sincere thanks to him for allowing me to add his words to the blog):

At Sakkara the ONLY pyramid open is Teti... Unas is unlikely to open for a while and whilst there is talk of Userkaf being restored opened this is a long way off and Djoser is closed any way and there is some major underground restoration going on so even the odd visit allowed in the past to specialists will probably not happen.

At Giza at least 2 of the 3 main pyramids will be open but I get the impression that this can, and does, vary at short notice, so any long term planning by visitors is not really possible. The Great Pyramid tends to be open the most as it is the main one, but it can be closed at short notice.

In the valley of the Kings/Queens, again this seems to be a movable feast, and there is a board on display at the ticket office which details those open.

For what it is worth, Nefertari, Sety I, Horemheb, and Amenhotep II will I think, in the future only be open to specialist and booked groups (or possibly on a separate and more expensive ticket) and I think Merenptah is closed at the moment as there are excavations in progress outside the entrance.

I get asked this question too and I don't think there is an answer to this as there is no real advance planing anywhere and it depends on the local circumstances and when the SCA decides a tomb should be 'rested' or opened ... bearing in mind the closures are to allow either restoration or conservation work to take place, or for the tombs to recover from the high humidity caused by visitors.

Bob's view confirms my impression that it is really just a case of turning up and making the best of what is open.

On an ongoing basis, if anyone visiting Egypt emails me to let me know what has been open during their visit, I am quite happy to post details on the blog, bearing in mind that as Bob says, there is no guarantee that a site that is open one week will still be open the next.

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