Egyptological launches

Egyptological launches

After several months of development Kate Phizackerley and I are very pleased to announce that we are ready to invite writers and photographers to contribute to the first issue of our free online magazine, Egytpological. There is some sample content published already, so do give it a look.

In order to appeal to a wide audience Egyptological is divided into three main sections - Journal, Magazine and Colloquy - representing academic and more popular interests. As well as articles we will publish book, conference, exhibitions and DVD reviews. Have a look at the sample articles in some of the sections to give you an idea about what sort of material we hope to attract.

We are aiming to publish issues every two to three months in the Journal and Magazine sections, but we will add brief pieces and short reviews to Colloquy as they become ready.

If you represent an Egyptology society have a look at our Events calendar and let us know if you would like us to add upcoming activities, study days or lectures. Our Photo Album section is aimed at readers who would like to share their photographs with readers for an issue.

Finally we have two projects under construction, both of which are part of the Egyptological family of websites – Hieropaedia and Egyptopaedia. Hieropaedia is currently available for use and will be developed further. It includes hieroglyph plug-ins for WordPress which will be essential if you want to use hieroglyphs on Egyptological, but can be used anywhere on WordPress and will eventually become available for other platforms. We are developing Hieropaedia as a portal for anyone learning and using hieroglyphs. Egyptopaedia will be our Encyclopaedia of Egyptology. Read more about it on the Egyptopaedia page on our website.

If you are either an experienced writer or just starting out, and would like to contribute to Egyptological we would be interested to hear from you. If you have already talked to us about contributing we will be in touch with you individually. To find out more about contributing, see our detailed guidelines in the Write For Us and Contribute Photos sections on the site.

We are looking for volunteers to help us run Egyptological and Egyptopaedia and to assist with editing and translations. If you have an interest in Egyptological and have a little time have a look at our Volunteers Wanted page.

If you want to keep an eye on our progress you can follow us on Twitter or subscribe to RSS via our Follow or Subscribe page.

To see more about Egyptological see our About section. To find out more about Andrea Byrnes and Kate Phizackerley see our Founders section.

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