Egyptologist Praises Restoration Work in Old Havana

Egyptologist Praises Restoration Work in Old Havana

Cuban News Agency

More on the story about the visit of an Egyptian delegation to Cuba, which includes Zahi Hawass. In the above article he is quoted talking about new work planned for Egypt.

He praised the work and dedication of Havana Historian Eusebio Leal and added that his project of restoration in Old Havana, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, could contribute to a similar initiative in Cairo, the capital of Egypt.

“I had heard a lot about the preservation work in Old Havana but what I have seen has exceeded my expectations,” he stressed.

“Right now we are working in the Valley of the Kings and we hope that by next winter we will have already discovered two more tombs. We are excavating with a team from the Dominican Republic in the vicinity of Alexandria where we hope to find the tombs of Cleopatra and Mark Antony,” he added.

See the above for more.

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