Egyptology News 19th-22nd April 2013

Egyptology News 19th-22nd April 2013

Copied from @egyptologynews.  Today's photo of the fresco from the Ashmolean Museum, which shows two Amarna princesses, is posted to accompany Campbell Price's news that a small fragment of the wall from which the princess scene is just a part, has been found in Manchester Museum's stores.  It's not a great photo (click on it to see a larger version or go to the Ashmolean Museum website to see a much better photo but when looking at the original fresco you can make out that the princesses are sitting at the foot of a much larger figure.  See the link to Campbell Price's post below, which included a photograph of the fragment.

Museums and exhibitions

A piece of famous Amarna Princess painting (Ashmolean Mus) found by Manchester Museum curator in their stores

More re "Echoes of Egypt": Abiding influence of ancient Egypt on world’s cultures explored at the Yale Peabody

Review of Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, southwest England. Seshat's Journal


Nevine el-Aref does her usual good work summarizing what's known about Khufu's 4th Dynasty Red Sea port. Ahram Weekly 

Photographs (no new details) to accompany the story on Khufu's Red Sea port. Daily Mail


 Early descriptions of the so-called Cathedral of Sai. Medieval Sai Project 

This story keeps resurfacing. From Egyptian Blue to Infrared. Archaeology magazine


Via Égypte-actualités@mchartier New book: Pierre Tallet. 12 Reines d’Egypte qui ont changé l’Histoire. Mai 2013. Editions Pygmalion Groupe Flammarion  


Obituary: Carmen Weinstein, driving force behind the restoration of monuments of Egyptian Jewish history. NY Times

Cairo's Mosque of Ibn Tulun has lost much of its splendour with wastewater and garbage lining its walls. Ahram Online

Free online 

Via @ISAWLibrary Open Access: Armenian Egyptology Centre Newsletter. Download issues 1 to 24 in PDF format from

A number of PDFs on the subject of Egyptian rock art by Fred Hardtke are available for download on Academia. edu:


Respite in the desert. Bahareya Oasis is more than what first meets the eye. Ahram Weekly

Alexandria, Egypt's 'Pearl of the Mediterranean.' Huffington Post

- Egyptology News 17th-18th April 2013
Copied from Twitter @egyptologynews. Have a good weekend everyone! Amun in the form of a Ram, Kawa, Nubia. c.680BC.  1931.553. Ashmolean Museum Fieldwork The British Museum website has new pages re the BM and Sudan Archaeological Research Society...

- Online: Le Musée Egyptien
DigiZeitschriften Thanks to Chuck Jones and his Ancient World Online blog for this link. Le Musée Egyptien  al-Mathaf al-Misrī     1909-1915 Le Musée Egyptien Band 3     1904-1907 Le Musée Egyptien Band 2    ...

- The Ancient Calendar Of The Akkadians Compared To Modern Jewish Calendar
                                            The Akkadian Calendar              ...

- Tuesday's Egyptian

- The Cash Register In The Desert
"Even though we had allowed people to take pictures in the Valley, people continued to bribe the guards and take cameras into the tombs and use flash."                            ...

