Egyptology News from 23rd May to 1st June 2013

Egyptology News from 23rd May to 1st June 2013

Tomb of Pennut, Lake Nasser

There's been some really interesting news in the last couple of weeks from different research projects, including the use of meteorite materials to create ornamental items 5000 years ago, and a rather tragic case of child abuse in Roman-Christian Dakhleh Oasis. Sadly, there has been even more news on the subject of threats to heritage in Egypt. It reads as something of a litany of disaster when assembled in one place. Hopefully the new minister, about whom there is a piece on Al Ahram Weekly, will begin to tackle it, although with a shortage of funds it is difficult to see what steps he will be able to take. Fortunately, there is some good news as well, about the protection of certain sites and the removal of graffiti.


Update on the reconstruction of the false door in the tomb of Karakhamun, South Asasif, Luxor. South Asasif Project 

Amarna period discovery, Luxor: Arqueólogos hallan los primeros relieves del gobernador perseguido por Ajenaton. IEAE  

Excavating at Amarna South Tombs Cemetery: pondering the ethics of working with human remains. Powerhouse Museum 


Canadian researcher uncovers first evidence of child abuse in ancient Egypt at Roman Dakhleh Oasis. The Star 

More re 2-3-yr-old child in Romano-Christian cemy in Dakhleh Oasis whose remains suggest physical abuse. Live Science 

Report on how iron was obtained from meteorites in AE millennia before the earliest evidence of iron smelting. Nature 

More re new research showing that AE iron bead found inside a 5000-yr-old tomb was crafted from meteorite. Discovery 

The first ever complete leatherwork of an AE chariot will reveal the technology used to produce it. Ahram Weekly 

Some Notes on Health Problems in Ancient Egypt and Nubia: part 3. By Joyce Filer on her blog: 

Heritage Management and Looting

Two weeks ago Ahmed Eissa became minister of state for antiquities and now faces an uphill battle. Al Ahram Weekly 

AE artefacts deteriorate in Cairo’s central museum due to poor conditions, lack of resources. Ahram Online 

Shenhur Temple, Qena, needs restoration after stone robbing, lime burning + groundwater and now used to dump rubbish 

Egypt's lost antiquities: After the uprising of 2010, much was stolen or neglected. Philly 

Historic gate in Islamic Cairo was demolished, Sunday, raising questions about saving Egypt's heritage. Aswat Masriya If you have Facebook access here are some photos of the demolished Islamic Cairo gateway. So sad. Aswat Masriya 

Chinese Tourist Vandalizes Egyptian Temple, Pisses Off China. With photo. Gadling 

Adolescente chino desfigura una escultura egipcia milenaria y desata la ira de Internet. CNN 

Egypt's antiquities face bigger problems than Chinese graffiti. CS Monitor 

Video: Graffiti clean-up at Luxor. Reuters . Via @JaneAkshar

Beautiful Islamic antiquities looted or neglected over the last 2 years following the 2011 uprising. Huffington Post 

Local community's campaign to protect Dashur pyramids has resulted in police and army protection. Past Preservers

Demolerán el cementerio ilegal construido cerca de las pirámides de Dahshur. Ushebtis 

In Spanish. Inauguration of plan to improve security and visitor experience at the Giza pyramids. El Confidencial  

Protecting temples of Luxor. Lanzan un proyecto hispano-egipcio para iluminar y vigilar los templos de Luxor. Yahoo 


New Book: French, P. 2013. The Anubieion at Saqqara III: Pottery from the Archaic to the 3rd Intermediate Period. EES 

Book review: S. P. Vleeming, Demotic and Greek-Demotic Mummy Labels and Other Short Texts. Peeters 2011. BMCR 


In the Nilo-Saharan Linguistics’ Colloquium. Medieval Sai Project 

Curator’s Diary 25/5/13: Advocating Ancient Egypt. Manchester Museum  

35th Annual Conference of the Theoretical Archaeology Group to be held at Bournemouth University, UK, 16-18 Dec 2013 

Museums and exhibitions

Cairo Museum director says objects need restoration, but money is not available to do so. North Africa Post 

Univ Washington report: King Tut exhibit at Seattle generated more than $78 million for the local economy. PSBJ 

Museums Confront the Skeletons in Their Closets. New York Times 

UCL Museums survey to improve promotion and public engagement. You don't have to have visited any of the museums: 

Free online articles and resources

New on Osirisnet: T51, the tomb of Userhat, also called Neferhabef, complete with description, images, and site plans 

Object biography #13: The upper part of a female statuette from Kahun (Acc. No. 269). Manchester Museum 

The electronic publication of Oriental Institute Annual Reports is now complete. Oriental Institute 

Thesis: The ideological significance of flint in Dynastic Egypt Graves-Brown, C.A. (2011). Doctoral thesis. UCL 

New Egyptology blog: Tetisheri by Julia Thorne 

Journals and Magazine  

The new edition of the Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections is now out (JAEI/ 5:2.). Table of Contents at 

Free online: Atiqot 74. Underwater Ptolemaic Coin Hoards from Megadim by Danny Syon, Catharine Lorber + Ehud Galili

Job Openings
Job: Trainee Curator in Ancient Egypt and Sudan. 6 months at British Museum and 12 months at Glasgow Museums 

Job: One month internship with the Online Egyptological Bibliography team in Oxford. Griffith Institute on Facebook . For those interested in the 1 month internship at the OEB, Oxford, but unable to access Facebook, I've copied it here 


AE words seep powerfully through the sands of time, war and massive political changes to persist today. Ahram Online 

- Online: The Organization Of The Pyramid Texts (2 Vol. Set)
Brill Online  Author: Harold M. Hays Subjects: Ancient Near East & Egypt     Overview     Chapters (17) The ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts form the oldest body of religious texts in the world. This book weds traditional...

- Online: Le Musée Egyptien
DigiZeitschriften Thanks to Chuck Jones and his Ancient World Online blog for this link. Le Musée Egyptien  al-Mathaf al-Misrī     1909-1915 Le Musée Egyptien Band 3     1904-1907 Le Musée Egyptien Band 2    ...

- The Ancient Calendar Of The Akkadians Compared To Modern Jewish Calendar
                                            The Akkadian Calendar              ...

- Tuesday's Egyptian

- The Avenue Of Sphinx's
So here we are presented with the completion of part of the avenue of sphinx's at Luxor. A complicated tale to resurrect an ancient processional way between Karnak temple and Luxor temple. The project may be one of the best examples of...

