Egypt's Ancient Glass

Egypt's Ancient Glass

Current World Archaeology

Current World Archaeology Magazine has posted a table of contents for its current issue, which includes a paragraph describing an article on ancient Egyptian glass at Amarna:

Egyptian glass is among the finest of the ancient world. Yet how did the ancient Egyptians make it? New work, at the world’s earliest-excavated glass making factory in Tell el-Amarna, is unravelling the mysteries. Here Paul Nicholson delves into the archives of the late great Egyptologist, Flinders Petrie, who excavated at Tell el-Amarna in the 1890s; and then takes us to his own excavations, a century later, as field director of the Egypt Exploration Society’s Amarna Glass Project. Here he tells of his excavations, how he undertook a host of fiery experiments, and why his team has shattered a raft of old interpretations.

If you are interested you will need to purchase a print copy of the edition (number 218).

- In The Field: Interview With Barry Kemp Re Amarna
Heritage Key (Malcolm Jack) “There is no other site like it,” states the introductory paragraph on the website of the Amarna Project – the body which, since 2005, has been responsible for excavations and research at Tell el-Amarna, the short-lived...

- Weekly Websites - Egyptian Glass
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- Exhibition: More About The Amarna Exhibtion At Upenn"In 1353 B.C., during the later 18th Dynasty, Amenhotep IV ascended the throne of Egypt. His rule was revolutionary in the sweeping changes he sought to impose on ancient Egyptian life and culture....

- Early Egyptian Glass Making "Experts say they've uncovered one of the earliest glass-making sites in ancient Egypt. Evidence at the site in the eastern Nile Delta indicates that glass was made...

- What Amarna Looked Like Although this dates back to 2003, I have only just found this article which, however, is timeless. Current World Archeaology magazine has on online version of issue 1 of its magazine, in PDF...

