Empty Coffins

Empty Coffins

Here Dr. Zahi Hawass shows off the new discovery at Dashur.


- Feature: The Riddle Of Kv63
drhawass.com (Zahi Hawass) With video After King Tut’s tomb was discovered, everyone thought there were no more tombs to be found in the Valley of the Kings. But in 2006, we made an amazing discovery, the shaft of an unknown tomb. When I first saw the...

- Japanese Mission Finds Wooden Sarcophagi
drhawass.com With photographs. Four anthropoid wooden coffins, three wooden canopic jars, and four ushabti boxes have been unearthed inside an unidentified burial shaft located in the northern area of the Ramesside tomb of Ta in the Dahshur Necropolis,...

- Two Coffins
Here we have an image of two recently found coffins. http://drhawass.com/photoblog/two-coffins-found-newly-discovered-necropolis-illahun...

- Dashur For Sure
Dr. Hawass' article on the preservation of Dashur. http://drhawass.com/blog/new-project-launched-protection-dahshur...

- The Work Of Ghouls

