Enigma of the smile on the Nile

Enigma of the smile on the Nile

A travel article about Giza, the Valley of the Kings and other sites including Edfu, with some bullets with advice for tourists about visas, tipping, getting around etc: "It's hardly surprising that the Sphinx's huge shattered face seems to smile enigmatically. The gateway to one of the world's most famous monuments is marked by a handprinted cardboard sign proclaiming: Entrance. The millions of tourists who make the pilgrimage here every year must pass under that sign, and through a gap in the rickety metal and wire fence, to come face to face with the giant figure of a lion with a man's face. Inside the fence, souvenir sellers fight over positions, tourist police drag children off by the ears for trying to sell carved camels to tourists, and rubbish lies in the corners. It's hard to think of a less appropriate setting for the figure the Arabs call the Father of Terror. No wonder he is amused. But it doesn't seem to matter. No matter how many times you've seen the Sphinx on television it is still awe-inspiring to be in the presence of this extraordinary figure carved 4600 years ago from a huge block of limestone left over from the building of the Great Pyramid of Cheops".

- More Re Age And Development Of Giza Sphinx
Press TV A British geologist claims the Egyptian Sphinx could be much older than previously thought and might have originally had a lion's face. Colin Reader says the rain erosion on the Sphinx's enclosure suggests it was built before the first...

- Pyramids Makeover
Egypt Today (Hossam Zaater) The site of the 5,000-year-old Giza Pyramids is now up to speed with the twenty-first century, complete with cameras, lasers and control rooms. Last month, part of a multi-phase plan to renovate the site of the only remaining...

- Visitors To Receive Protection At Pyramids
ITN There is a news report accompanying the following post on the above page, which has a noisy advert playing at the beginning of it. The ancient monuments are known by tourists as a place where camel riders and trinket vendors hustle visitors relentlessly...

- The Face Of Tutankhamun Revealed In His Tomb
Times Online More than 3,000 years after his death, King Tutankhamun went on display to the public yesterday in his tomb in the Valley of the Kings, a slightly bucktoothed boy who died aged 19. King Tut’s mummified face – which has been seen only...

- Egypt Uses New Technology To Solve Pyramid Riddle
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/story.cfm?c_id=2&ObjectID=10349858 "Egypt is preparing to use the latest technology to solve a 4,500-year-old riddle. A robot is to be sent up two narrow shafts in the Great Pyramid in Giza to discover whether a secret...

