Exhbition: Secret Egypt - Unravelling Truth from Myth

Exhbition: Secret Egypt - Unravelling Truth from Myth

Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery 

Tullie House, Carlisle
10th March 2012 - 10th June 2012, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

The exhibition features around 200 artefacts on loan from major Egyptology collections throughout the UK including Manchester Museum, the Ashmolean and Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. Moving through six themes, it begins by asking what is real and what is fake via an examination of funerary objects that helped Ancient Egyptians into the sacred world of death before debunking some of the more spurious myths that have grown up around them.

- Exhibition: Secret Egypt At The Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
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- Exhibition: Secrets Of Egypt In Coventry, Uk
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- New Gallery At The Oriental Museum, Durham, Uk
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- Manchester Museum Curator’s Diary, 7th January 2009
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- Birmingham Museum And Art Gallery - Gallery Closures
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