Exhibition: The Treasures of Egypt in Las Vegas

Exhibition: The Treasures of Egypt in Las Vegas


The Treasures of Egypt exhibit is a recreated Egyptian village and marketplace which allows one to experience the life of ancient Egyptians from gathering water, grinding wheat, using ancient carpenter's tools and bartering for food and supplies.

Visitors then explore how archeologists in the early 20th Century unearthed some of Egypt's most renowned treasures, including the Tomb of Tutankhamun. The exhibit includes a trip through the realistic entrance to Tut's Tomb and the opportunity to view artifact recreations of best-known pieces including the Golden Throne, chariots, the Golden Shrine and outer sarcophagus. These replicas are one of only two sets that were authorized by the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities. The other set resides in Luxor, Egypt while the actual artifacts remain entombed in the Valley of the Kings and the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

Visitors have the unique opportunity to explore an Egyptian mummy by using state-of-the-art technology that allows the user to "scan" a mummy replica in real time and view actual medical imaging taken of a real mummy.

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