Exhibition: To Live Forever, at Indianapolis

Exhibition: To Live Forever, at Indianapolis

Suite 101 (Stan Parchin)

"To Live Forever: Egyptian Treasures from the Brooklyn Museum" is a special exhibition that explains the ancient civilization's rites of mummification.

Ancient Egyptian funerary practices and religious beliefs about death and the afterlife are vividly described by some 120 pieces of jewelry, sarcophagi (coffins), statuary and vessels in To Live Forever: Egyptian Treasures from the Brooklyn Museum at the Indianapolis Museum of Art (July 13-September 7, 2008).

Selected from more than 1200 objects in the Brooklyn Museum's world-class collection of Egyptian antiquities, the works on display in To Live Forever... range in date from 3600 B.C. to 400 A.D. From predynastic times through the Roman period, they document how the ancient Egyptians sought to conquer death and survive throughout eternity.

See the above page for the full story.

- Exhibition: Brooklyn Examines Mummies
Art Museum Journal (Stan Parchin) To Live Forever: Art and the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt is a traveling special exhibition devoted to Egyptian funerary art, practices and beliefs. In preparation for the show, scholars at New York's Brooklyn Museum...

- Exhibition: To Live Forever At Indianapolis
Art Daily The Indianapolis Museum of Art will be the first venue to host To Live Forever: Egyptian Treasures from the Brooklyn Museum, which will be on view July 13 – September 7, 2008. Featuring approximately 120 objects dating from 3600 B.C. to 400...

- Exhibition: To Live Forever
Suite101 Many thanks to the ever-reliable Stan Parchin for alerting me to his latest Egyptology post (it is dated August 2007, but the article concerns a 2008-2011 traveling exhibit): Using modern scientific methods, scholars at the Brooklyn Museum analyzed...

- More Re Brooklyn Mummies Examined For Exhibition
Suite 101 (Stan Parchin) Thanks to Robert Espino for pointing out this article on Suite 101. From Summer 2008 through Fall 2011, New York's Brooklyn Museum will circulate to more than 10 American venues To Live Forever: Egyptian Treasures from the...

- Exhibition: To Live Forever: Egyptian Treasures From The Brooklyn Museum
Huliq.com The Brooklyn Museum has organized an exhibition of 107 objects from its world-renowned holdings of ancient Egyptian art that will go on a nationwide tour beginning in the summer of 2008 and conclude in the fall of 2011. The presentation, titled...

