Exhibition: Wrapped (Washington, US)

Exhibition: Wrapped (Washington, US)

Washington State Historical Society

Wrapped! The Search for the Essential Mummy takes visitors on a journey into the ancient beliefs and traditions that answer the ageless questions: "Why do mummies exist?" and "What can ancient objects tell us about who these people were and how they lived?"

This exhibit features the story of noted Tacoma businessman Allen C. Mason and his travels to Egypt in the late 19th century, which resulted in the purchase of the mummy of Ankh-Wennefer, also known as "the WSHS Mummy." Mason donated Ankh-Wennefer’s mummy to the Historical Society in 1897. The mummy and its heavily decorated coffins have been the subject of much study over the decades, with the most recent work being done by Dr. Elias and the Akhmim Mummy Studies Consortium. Tacoma General Hospital worked with the Society to have high-resolution scans made of the mummy which were used to create a forensic portrait of the late Ankh-Wennefer.

Wrapped! showcases more than 250 artifacts, including 18th- and 19th-century engravings, ancient amulets, kitten mummies, and coffin cases.

- Book Review: Herakleides
Bryn Mawr Classical Review (Reviewed by Jane Draycott) Lorelei H. Corcoran, Marie Svoboda, Herakleides: A Portrait Mummy from Roman Egypt. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum, 2011. Herakleides: a Portrait Mummy from Roman Egypt not only provides the results...

- In The Lab: Technology Reveals Details Of Haggin Mummy
Recordnet.com This article looks at the science behind the Very Postmortem exhibition mentioned on previous posts. It describes both the scanning process and the information that was revealed. The photo at the top of the article may startle some people...

- Ct Scan Yields Secrets Of Vassar College's Mummy
Times Herald-Record (Jeremiah Horrigan) I'm not quite sure how poor Shem-en-Min would have responded to being referred to as "the guy", or whether or not the Akhmim Mummy Studies Consortium will enjoy being referred to as CSI Egypt, but here's...

- Berkshire Museum Mummy Undergoes A Ct Scan
http://www.berkshireeagle.com/ci_6063034?source=most_emailed A follow up on the story of the Berkshire (U.S.) mummy that was being prepared for a CT scan a few weeks ago. The mummy has now been scanned as part of the Akhmim Mummy Studies Consortium (AMSC)...

- Mummy Scanning
Here we have an article in pictures from National Geographic on scanning of some of Cairo's mummies including Maihirpre found in the valley of kings in the late 19th century. Also particularly interesting the mummy of Hatiay, sadly without picture...

