Exhibition: artefacts to travel to Mexico

Exhibition: artefacts to travel to Mexico

State Information Service
The Culture Minster Farouq Hosni accepted to hold an exhibition of the Egyptian antiques in Monterrey City and Mexico City in Mexico during the period from next September 20 until June 15 2008 under the title "Isis and the snake with feathers… Ancient Egypt.. Mexico before the Spanish era".

Dr. Zahi Hawwas, the Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities said that the exhibition includes 144 pieces of exhibits museums Egyptian and Greek and Roman Luxor, Nubia and the Karnak and Dandarah regions; pointing out that Egypt will get $ 1.6 billion physical back at & 800 thousand for each city, and if the number of the visitors exceed 800 thousand will get 25% of the revenue.

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- Mexico Hosts 1st Egyptian Monument Exihibition
http://tinyurl.com/knzod (State Information Service) "Minister of Culture Farouq Hosni and his Mexican counterpart Sari Bermudez met Monday April 17th. The meeting was attending by Bermudez's high–rank accompanying delegation. Bermudez invited Egypt...

