Exhibition: Description de L'Egypte in Dallas

Exhibition: Description de L'Egypte in Dallas

"Beaux Arts will present Description de L’Egypte, the story of The Napoleonic Survey of Egypt. The art exhibit, consisting of 87 original prints from the historic publication, is the largest display of this incredible work ever held in the Southwest. The retrospective will open to the public Saturday, May 12, 2007 and run through Saturday, July 14, 2007. Description de L’Egypte is a monumental production of 837 copper plate engravings and accompanying text produced by Napoleon Bonaparte’s savants, including more than 167 unsurpassed French scientists, surveyors, linguists, economists, physicians, engineers, artists and assistants. These scholars were hand selected by Napoleon to accompany his 1798-1801 military conquest of Egypt and document every aspect of the country. This publishing project of the French government utilized 400 engravers from 1802 to 1828. It is the foundation work of Egyptology and a masterpiece of illustration, striking in beauty and detail."

Beaux Arts is located in Dallas, Texas. You can find its website at:

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