Exhibition: Final month of Egypt Through Other Eyes

Exhibition: Final month of Egypt Through Other Eyes

http://tinyurl.com/fu59o (artdaily.com)
For anyone wishing to visit the exhibition Egypt Through Other Eyes: The Popularization of Ancient Egypt at the Brooklyn Museum of Art, it is in its last four weeks: "The show is presenting more than thirty books from the Museum's Libraries, documents Western fascination with ancient Egypt in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Showcasing many works never before on public view, the exhibition includes rare material from the Museum's Wilbour Library of Egyptology, one of the world's most comprehensive Egyptological research collections. . . . Included is an illustrated plate from a rare book by Giovanni Belzoni, one of the first Europeans to excavate Egyptian temples and tombs. Other works include a catalogue and poster for the first major North American exhibition of Egyptian antiquities of the Abbott collection, now part of the Brooklyn Museum collection. Also on view are chromolithographs from books by Émile Presse D'Avennes, whose work provided the earliest reliable images of Egyptian architecture, and a book by Charles Dana Gibson, depicting the Temple of the goddess Mut."
See the above page for the full story.

The Brooklyn Museum of Art (New York) website is at:
The exhibition is open until November 12th 2006

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