Exhibition: Magic in Ancient Egypt

Exhibition: Magic in Ancient Egypt

Opening at the Walters Museum in Baltimore on December 2nd 2006, the above exhibition will run until November 18th 2007: "Magic played an important role in religions of the ancient world. Amulets in particular were believed to posess great power to bring protection, health, luck, and even immortality through their images and symbols. This small exhibition will feature 46 amulets, scarabs, figurines, and ritual objects associated with this belief in the power of magic in ancient Egypt."

- Spellbound In Brooklyn
Archaeology Magazine (Morgan Moroney) Egyptian magic was much more than hocus-pocus Housed in a small gallery off the Brooklyn Museum's Egyptian wing is "Magic in Ancient Egypt: Image, Word, and Reality," an exhibition on view until October 8, 2009....

- Exhibition: The Fertile Goddess
Brooklyn Museum Thanks to Sally Williams of the Brooklyn Museum for sending me the Press Release for the above forthcoming exhibition. Apologies that I am a bit late posting it but the exhibition doesn't start until the 19th December. December 19,...

- Exhibition: More On Tutankhamun's Cloth Wrappings
Al Ahram Weekly PRECIOUS amulets that once decorated the mummy of the boy king Tutankhamun are on special display at the Egyptian museum, Nevine El-Aref toured the new exhibit. The three-month exhibition hall on the ground floor of Cairo's Egyptian...

- Backlog Updates
Sincere and multiple thanks to Chris Townsend for providing me with a number of additional URLs which either provide stories which I missed when back-dating the blog, or give more information about key stories which have appeared. Here they are, and click...

- The Power Of The Ancient Egyptian Priest
http://www.algomhuria.net.eg/egyptian_mail/m2/An item looking at the role of priests and the purpose of amulets. This article should be up for the rest of the week, but will change next Saturday: "In ancient Egypt, amulets might be carried, used in necklaces,...

