Exhibition: More re Meresamun

Exhibition: More re Meresamun

DOTmed News

The technology enabled researchers to "see through" the casket to the mummy, still wrapped in her layers of linen bandages. The scanner is able to "peel" each layer away to reveal her skeleton, including what appear to be stones in her eye sockets, her remaining internal organs and give vital clues about how she lived. Markings on the coffin also suggest other important facts about her life. (Readers can also go to the article,"The Science of Forensics," page 53, January issue of DOTmed Business News for additional information on CT technology and mummy remains.)

The iCT works at very high speeds. In the living this means it can produce a full body scan in under a minute and accurately capture moving organs, including the entire heart in just two beats. This enables clinicians to make a speedy, accurate and comprehensive diagnosis for their patients.

- Education Kit Based On Analysis Of Mummy Remains
Science Alert The perennial fascination of ancient Egyptian mummies is being used by Queensland University of Technology researcher Dr Stephen Hughes to teach children about the application of physics to the field of archaeology. Dr Hughes has produced...

- Strange Bones In Colchester Mummy
The Independent, UK (Sean Williams) The skull of an ancient Egyptian mummy in Colchester is packed with 'strange bones', a CT-scan has revealed. The scan on 2,500-year-old Lady Ta-Hathor yesterday also revealed an odd bundle between her thighs,...

- In The Lab: Looking For Birds In A Mummy
necn.com Video, with partial transcript. Back in 2006 Gerry Conlogue and Ron Beckett used x-rays, a c-t scanner and endoscope to look inside Pa Ib. He's a mummy that has been on display at the PT Barnum Museum in Bridgeport, Connecticut since 1896....

- Video: Meresamun
Discovery News See the above page for the video. The face of Meresamun, a priestess who sang in the temples of Ancient Egypt hundreds of years before the birth of Christ, has been revealed to the world for the first time thanks to a X-ray with a light...

- Special Online Feature: Priestess Of Amun
Archaeology Magazine (Eti Bonn-Muller) There is a great online feature about Meresamun on the Archaeology Magazine website. See the above page for a number of different sections which look at different aspects of Meresamun. ARCHAEOLOGY's March/April...

