Exhibition: Replicas of items from King Tut's tomb (Frankfurt, Germany)

Exhibition: Replicas of items from King Tut's tomb (Frankfurt, Germany)

Stars and Stripes  

A mummy, a chariot, numerous carvings and statues are among the items spotlighted in a King Tut exhibit in Frankfurt, Germany. The items are replicas of the artifacts discovered in his tomb 90 years ago.

Intricately crafted and scientifically accurate in size, composition and function, the pieces are described by exhibit organizers as “faithful reproductions” of the artifacts Egyptologist Howard Carter discovered in the Valley of the Kings in 1922.

More than 1,000 items are on display, some arranged to re-create the boy king’s burial chamber as Carter found it, packed with gilded mementos and good luck charms for the afterlife. There’s even a dismantled chariot.

Originally scheduled to close in April, the exhibit, “Tutankhamun: His Tomb and His Treasures,” has been extended to June 24.

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