Exhibition: Tutankhamun to visit Seattle in 2012

Exhibition: Tutankhamun to visit Seattle in 2012

The Seattle Times (Sandi Doughton)

Seattle is in for a bout of Tut-mania.

The Pacific Science Center has announced details of a King Tut exhibit to coincide with the center's 50th anniversary in 2012.

The exhibit headed to Seattle is "Tutankhamun: The Golden King and the Great Pharaohs." It features 50 artifacts from the tomb of the boy king, including the golden sandals placed on his mummified feet. It also includes the largest statue of Tut and dozens of artifacts from 2,000 years of Egyptian history.

Pacific Science Center has been working for more than a year to land the prize, said board member Warren Buck, chancellor emeritus and physics professor at the University of Washington.

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