Exhibition: Where's Cleo?

Exhibition: Where's Cleo?

Archeaology Magazine (Mark Rose)

Cleopatra’s reputation as a seducer of emperors—Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, and Octavian (later Caesar Augustus)—and her suicide by snake bite have made her one of the ancient world’s most intriguing characters. Now she is the subject of Cleopatra: The Search for the Last Queen of Egypt at Philadelphia’s Franklin Institute.

While Cleopatra’s name is on the marquee, she is largely absent from the show. The exhibition’s highlights are artifacts recovered from the harbor of Alexandria and the submerged cities of Canopus and Heracleius by an expedition led by businessman-turned-archaeologist Franck Goddio. These include a pair of 16-foot-tall statues representing a pharaoh and queen, a head of Caesarion (Cleopatra and Julius Caesar’s son), and Cleopatra’s father, Ptolemy XII, portrayed as a sphinx. But these identifications are not very convincing and come with qualifiers such as “possibly” or “may be” attached.

- Exhibition: Cleopatra At The Franklin Institute
Washington Times (Jacquie Kubin) With photos. Still no news about where the next venues are going to be. mposing in their size and power are the two 16-foot tall figures of a Ptolemic King and Queen from the Temple of Amon at Heracleion, an ancient city...

- Photo For Today - Head Of A Queen
Copyright Rick Menges, with my thanks for both the photo and the caption (Left) (No written description available) (Right) Head of a Queen, Perhaps Cleopatra II or Cleopatra III Artist: Anonymous (Egyptian) Date (Period): ca. 140-120 BC (Greco-Roman)...

- Exhibition: Cleopatra At The Franklin Institute
Delco News Network (Christina Perryman) After Egypt fell to Rome in 30 B.C. and Cleopatra famously took her own life following the suicide of Mark Antony, the new Roman rulers did their best to wipe Cleopatra and her legacy from Egyptian history. Historians...

- Exhibition: Cleopatra To Open In Philadelphia In Summer 2010
PR-Canada.net The world of Cleopatra, which has been lost to the sea and sand for nearly 2,000 years, will surface in a new exhibition, "Cleopatra: The Search for the Last Queen of Egypt," making its world premiere in June 2010 at The Franklin Institute...

- Cleopatra
This is an article on the opening of a exhibition titled "Cleopatra the search for the last Queen of Egypt" complete with photo's from Franck Goddio/Hilti Foundation and are from the excavations in the harbor of Alexandria. The exhibition is set to...

