Experiencing the Great Pyramid

Experiencing the Great Pyramid

A feature on the Financial Times website about the Great Pyramid of Giza: "Life and death were addressed explicitly in the art of the pharaohs. The granite slab was the final resting place of Pharaoh Khufu, or Cheops, who reigned for about 23 years in the 26th century BC. He, like many non-Greeks, got a bad press from Herodotus, who charged him with prostituting his daughter to finance the building of his pyramid.
The truth, we think, is less dramatic. The Great Pyramid was built by free citizens, performing a kind of community service for the Pharaoh during the summer, when the Nile flooded. We don’t quite know how they managed to build it, but we marvel today at the drive and ingenuity required to complete the project, and at its sheer ambition. Scholars who accompanied Napoleon calculated, in typically French fashion, that the material used in the three pyramids of Giza would have served to surround the whole of France with a 3m-high wall: a heady mix of wonderment and paranoia."

- Secret Chambers At Great Pyramid Proposed
Discovery News (Rossella Lorenzi) A French architect campaigning for a new exploration of the 4,500-year-old Great Pyramid of Giza said on Thursday that the edifice may contain two chambers housing funereal furniture. Jean-Pierre Houdin -- who was rebuffed...

- Abu Rawash
drhawass.com With photo. The pyramid of Djedefre is located in Abu Rawash, about eight kilometers north of Giza. Djedefre, the son of Khufu, ascended the throne after his father’s death. We know that Djedefre was Khufu’s heir because his name was...

- Last Of The Ancient Wonders: The Great Pyramid
Al Ahram Weekly (Assam Deif) It has variously been claimed that the pyramids served as power plants, water pumps, astronomical observatories, sources of ill-defined pyramid- power energy vortices, guidance beacons for alien spacecraft sites for mystery...

- The Pyramids Of Giza
New York Post (Jasmin K Williams) Two page piece looking at the pyramids of Giza. Nothing new, but quite informative if you know little about the pyramids. We've been marveling at this ancient wonder for thousands of years. Here's a look at The...

- Visiting Dashur
http://tinyurl.com/ct8zz A travel article about the benefits of taking the time to visit Dashur: "Nothing can dispel the wonder of the majestic pyramids at Giza, outside of Cairo--but the KFC and Pizza Hut across the street come pretty close. Then there...

