Faiyum Neolithic Granaries

Faiyum Neolithic Granaries

I'm like a dog with a bone on this particular subject, I know, but my last word on the granaries until the end of January. Willeke Wendrich (heading the UCLA project in the Faiyum) has said that the team's website will be updated at the end of January with news of the 2003 and 2004 seasons. The team's site is currently out of date but can be found at http://www.archbase.com/fayum (it has only the 2002 season - the 2002 page links are broken). But more about excavations at the 2003 season at K-pits in the Faiyum can be found at http://www.barnard.nl/egypt/Kpits.html

In the meantime, the most recent volume of CRE (CRE IV) papers has been published, and includes an article about the Faiyum by Noriyuki Shirai, (Universiteit Leiden), entitled 'Social representation in Fayum Neolithic bifacial technology'. Shirai excavated last year with UCLA and found some highly interesting artefacts which were reported at ICE9

- Growing And Grinding
IHC An advert for an upcoming talk by Willeke Wendrich, but it contains some information about the Faiyum and is quite well timed given the above discussions about the risks to the archaeology of the Faiyum. The north shore of Lake Qarun in the Egyptian...

- Reports On Research In Faiyum (prehistory) Available Online
UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Both articles in the piece below are available in PDF format free of charge. If you think that you may want to refer to them again in the future I recommend that you save them. You never know how long articles will...

- More Sad News From The Faiyum
Geoffrey Tassie has highlighted the challenge the archaeology of the Faiyum on a number of occasions, but the news never seems to get any better, as the demands of tourism and agriculture see the ongoing destruction of archaeological sites. Rinus Ormeling...

- Preliminary Report Of The Pisa University Mission At Khelua
Archaeogate Egittologia Thanks to Pierfranco Dotti for this link. The University of Pisa have been undertaking restoration work at the Graeco Roman site of Khelua in the Faiyum (southwest of Cairo). For the Pisa's concession of Khelua, the problem...

- Sa El Hagar (sais) Website Updated
http://www.dur.ac.uk/penelope.wilson/sais.htmlThe Sais website has been updated with an excavation report from 2005, and an excavation and post-excavation report for 2006. There are some gorgeous photographs of lithics which have a lot in common with...

