Farouq Hosni on the New Wonders of the World

Farouq Hosni on the New Wonders of the World

"Egyptian Minister of Culture Farouq Hosni reasserted on Sunday that the Pyramids of Giza remained the greatest and most magnificent among the World's Seven Wonders, ruling out possibility of a re-vote on a new list of world wonders. "It is meaningless to re-vote on the Pyramids as a world wonder, as the Pyramids stand as a miracle in terms of architecture, engineering, astronomy, and astrology," Hosni told reporters here.Over thousands of years, the Pyramids defied erosions and earthquakes, he underscored.The minister deemed the proposed vote on a new list of the world's seven wonders as a pursuit for fame by sponsors of the idea who do not recognize the historical status and archaeological value of the Pyramids."
See the above page for the full story.

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http://tinyurl.com/2t2ts2 (sis.gov.eg)"The international committee established to choose the Seven Wonders of the World chose Pyramids to be on the top of old and modern wonders. In a letter which Minister of Culture Farouk Hosni received yesterday May...

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http://www.egypttoday.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=7169"No contest: The Pyramids of Giza are one of the great wonders of the world. That’s the view of both Minister of Culture Farouk Hosni and Supreme Council of Antiquities head Zahi Hawass, who have...

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http://tinyurl.com/2aulkt (mediafax.ro)"Egypt is fuming over a competition to choose the world''s "new seven wonders," deriding it as a marketing stunt that demeans the pyramids of Giza, the only surviving ancient wonder, AFP reported. 'They...

