Fayum Project - Season 2008

Fayum Project - Season 2008

Fayum Project 2008 (UCLA/RUG)

Details of the 2008 season of work carried out by the Fayum Project at Karanis, and the prehistoric sites E29H1 and Kom K. The report is accompanied by some excellent photographs.

- Return To Minufiyeh
Egypt Explorati0n Society The Society's expedition to Minufiyeh Governorate in the Nile Delta, direct by Dr Joanne Rowland of the Free University, Berlin, will be resuming work next week, with a survey at the desert-fringe site of Khatabtah. This...

- Online: Tuthmosis Iii Temple Project
Tuthmosis III Temple Project An excellent website with full details of excavation and survey work, and campaign reports for 2008, 2009 and 2010. The excavation, restoration, conservation and site management of the Temple of Thutmosis III, in Luxor’s...

- Daily Photo By Tony Marson
View over Karanis (Kom Aushim), Faiyum Depression I particularly like this photograph, shwoing the terrific foundations of the ruined town, with views out over the green expanses of the Faiyum. I have some very happy memories of Karanis. Su Bayfield...

- Karanis Cemetery Survey Project
Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Spending an entire field season roaming a cemetery and looking at bones may seem morbid to many, but to me it was a dream. Over the past several years, Willeke Wendrich, Associate Professor of Near Eastern Languages and...

- Preliminary Report On The University Of Pisa Campaign In Tt14 (8th Season)
http://www.archaeogate.org/storage/15_article_1017_1.pdf Thanks very much to Pierfranco Dotti for the above link. The above document is the report of the 8th season at Theban Tomb 14 in Dra Abu el-Naga, by Marilina Bertlo. The season took place between...

