Feature: Opening a sacrophagus at Saqqara

Feature: Opening a sacrophagus at Saqqara

Heritage Key (Malcolm Jack)

With video. It wouldn't load for me, but it is probably the same video as that on the drhawass.com website (see next post).

Nothing keeps Dr Zahi Hawass awake at night quite like the prospect of being the first person to lay eyes on a millennia-dead Egyptian mummy. “I could not sleep with thinking about it all the time,” he reveals at the start of Heritage Key’s latest fantastic video by Nico Piazza, documenting the opening of an intact tomb at Saqqara. “Thinking about the moment that I will come down,” he continues, “about 11 metres, and begin to open a sealed sarcophagus that no one ever touched since 2,600 years ago.”

The camera pans across creepy piles of heavily decayed human bones lying in corners – the latest intact tomb located at the massive necropolis of Egypt’s ancient capital Memphis, located 40 kilometres south of Cairo, is evidently one rich in human remains. The unidentified body found lying inside a giant limestone sarcophagus is the prize of them all.

- Features: A Round Up Of Recent Features
I'll be here forever and a day if I try to put together a post for each drhawass.com and Heritage Key feature that has appeared in the last couple of weeks so apologies for the brevity but here's a list of those that struck me as the most interesting....

- More Re Saqqara Mummy Discovery
Al Ahram Weekly () Intact wooden and limestone sarcophagi housing dozens of mummies have been discovered inside the Sixth-Dynasty tomb of Sennedjem in the Saqqara necropolis, reports Nevine El-Aref On Wednesday of last week, the Gisr Al-Mudir area located...

- Egypt Discovers 2,600 Year-old Mummy At Saqqara Burial Site
Google / Associated Press Inside the chamber, 22 mummies lay covered only by sand in four niches dug into the chamber's walls. Most were badly decomposed, showing only skulls and parts of skeletons, with decayed mummy wrappings. The sarcophagi were...

- More Re Newly Discovered Storeroom Containing Mummies
Sky News Underneath the Meresamun story there's a 36-slide photograph viewer showing 7 photographs of Hawass with one of the mummies from the new discovery. The other photographs concern other subjects. Yahoo! News A storeroom housing about two...

- The Tomb Of The Palace Official
http://aawsat.com/english/news.asp?section=2&id=8945Third part of an account about various Egyptological discoveries, by Zahi Hawass: "A few years ago, a Czech expedition headed by Egyptologist Miroslav Verner discovered a tomb that had not been touched...

