

The Spirit of Egypt
Archaeology Magazine
Mark Rose
The Beyond Stone and Bone blog looks at 19th-century Western travelers and ex-patriots, what they said about Egypt and the emotional impact its monuments had on them.

How to experience all things Egyptian in New York
Archaeology Magazine
Morgan Moroney
New York City, which traces its roots to 1624, is about 4,700 years younger than and more than 5,500 miles from Egypt. Yet fascination with Egypt has been part of life in America, and New York, since the late 18th century. European traders, pilgrims, and scholars traveled to Egypt, but Napoleon's campaign in Egypt (1798-1801) and the resulting publication of the Description de l'Egypte (1809) and Vivant Denon's Voyage dans la Basse et la Hautes Egypt (1802) ignited the Western world's interest in it. In the early 19th century, Europeans and Americans began to flock to Egypt and its rich and ancient sites as tourists, collectors, scholars, and artists, braving the journey across the Atlantic and through the Mediterranean. Many brought back artifacts; some published their accounts and drawings, further increasing the excitement about Egypt.

Women's lives in Ancient Egypt
Heritage Key
Achariya Rezak

For many centuries, the women of ancient Egypt were luckier than most of the women in the world. In the Greek civilization that existed parallel to their own, women lacked many of the rights granted to Egyptian women. For example, instead of needing an older brother or father or son to settle legal affairs as in Greece, Egyptian women had equal rights in the law. They could own, inherit and sell property, begin lawsuits, and freely divorce their husbands.
Some speculate that this freedom had to do with a different order to society. Deeply ingrained beliefs held that the Phaorah was the embodiment and personification of Egypt, and that every man and woman who lived in Egypt was therefore equal in governmental relationship to the Pharoah.

- Book Review Extracts
Allen, Susan J. Tutankhamun's Tomb: The Thrill of Discovery (Photographs by Harry Burton) (exh. cat.). New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2006. Art Museum Journal Review by Stan Parchin After a lengthy seven-year quest, British archaeologist...

- 200 Years Of The Description De L'egypte
Al Ahram Weekly (David Tresilian) THE MAGNIFICENT setting of the église du D¤me at Les Invalides in Paris is the backdrop for a small exhibition, running until September 2009, designed to celebrate the bicentenary of the publication of the first volumes...

- Tacoma Art Museum Presents Oasis: Western Dreams Of The Ottoman Empire
artdaily.org Tacoma Art Museum’s exhibition Oasis: Western Dreams of the Ottoman Empire from the Dahesh Museum of Art features a survey of nineteenth-century Western artists’ responses to the diverse cultures of the former Ottoman Empire. The exhibition...

- Book Review: The Landmark Herodotus
New York Times “The Landmark Herodotus” edited by Robert B. Strassler, with a new translation by Andrea L. Purvis. review by Edward Rothstein: Egypt, Herodotus tells us in “The Histories,” is a land with “more marvels and monuments that defy...

- Women And Property
http://www.chs.harvard.edu/_/File/_/women_property_azzoni.pdf Thanks to the EEF weekly digest for pointing to this article in PDF format: Women and Property in Persian Egypt and Mesopotamia. For other articles from the proceedings of the conference Women...

