Fiction Review: An Alternative Origin of the Species

Fiction Review: An Alternative Origin of the Species

In his novel, The Feathered Serpent, James Alexander takes the reader on an adventure that throws up a new story about the birth of humankind.

Crystal skulls, ancient civilisations, nefarious secret societies, ‘shape shifters’, danger, cross-continental anthropology - this all sounds a bit like Indiana Jones meets The Da Vinci Code. And, indeed, from one perspective, this is what James Alexander has achieved in his novel, The Feathered Serpent.

The story begins when a semi-retired anthropologist, Professor Henry Williams, receives a mysterious papyrus from Egypt with an incredible story to tell. This leads to another unknown manuscript, a Mayan Codex that tells of mankind’s distant past, rewrites all history and defies scientific theory. It tells the tale of an evil creature known as Typhon, and his influence on mankind’s past. Williams, and his assistant, Dr Piers Anderson, travel from Egypt to Mexico and find that their lives are always threatened by a sinister society, The League of Horus, who are desperate to stop the academics from discovering the truth at all costs. Along the way they encounter Don Pedro Vacharo, a Mayan shamen, and the sacred Crystal Skull which takes them back to a time of legend and myth. To Atlantis.

The Feathered Serpent is a story, as told by Williams himself, in the best tradition of Boy’s Own ripping yarns.

See the above page for the rest of the review.

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