Fitzwilliam Egyptology Collection Closed til 2006

Fitzwilliam Egyptology Collection Closed til 2006
According to the Fitzwilliam Museum's (Cambridge, UK) website, which I visited to plan a trip to the museum: "The Egyptian Galleries closed to the public on 4 October 2004. They will re-open early in 2006. Over the course of the next year we are renovating the galleries to improve access to the collections. We will be providing information on these pages about the work involved, as well as reporting on its progress." It does not specify whether or not access will be granted for research purposes. The site was updated on the 21st December 2004. There is no further information on the page, but there are contact details. The timing is a real shame, as the Current Research in Archaeology VI conference is being held in Cambridge next week.

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