Five Books That Will Make Great Gifts

Five Books That Will Make Great Gifts

If you have an Egyptophile on your gift list and you do not know what to get them here are 5 books well worth reading.

1. The Secret of the Great Pyramid by Bob Brier and Jean-Pierre Houdin

Though more than 4500 years old the authors convincingly read the intentions of the pyramids architect Hemiunu making the theory on its building a real possibility.

No doubt this story will have legs for years to come hopefully someday real proof will prove whether the theory was right or not but for now this book is an excellent read on the building of the great pyramid.

2. The Complete Valley of Kings by Nicholas Reeves and Richard H. Wilkinson

The facts of the book are excellent and there are many images I have not seen before including the objects from the foundation deposits in front of the tomb of Amenhotep III.

I thought the book was a delight of details of importance to the average reader like myself who loves everything I can find on the valley of Kings and will be referencing its many charts and details for years to come.

3. The Royal Tombs of Egypt by Zahi Hawass

This is certainly the most beautiful of books on my list but it is a large and heavy coffee table book making it difficult to read. Dr. Hawass places very helpful descriptions of the texts that of the "Amduat" and "the book of gates" as well as other sacred books which were drawn on the walls of the kings tombs from the valley of kings.

The price tag, the size and the subject matter make this excellent book much more appealing to a mature reader than a younger one. I will happily now use this lovely book for years to come as solid reference material.

4. Ancient Lives by John Romer

This book is written from the thousands of unique documents that survive from the ancient community of Deir El Medinah, the builders of the tombs in the Valley of Kings. The story is crafted to reveal a community of privilege who's members are at once orderly and human, highly respected and high spirited.

Truly "Ancient lives" is John Romer's masterpiece and one of the finest compositions I have read.

5. The Search for Nefertiti by Joann Fletcher

Ms. Fletcher's charms are apparent right from the start of this 380 page book and it is not long before the book heats up and starts becoming fascinating. The authors knowledge on mummies is well justified from her research and intelligent view.

Whether the mummy in question is Nefertiti is still up to dispute but the book itself is a good read and I would recommend it to anyone interested in Egyptology or mummies.

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