Flooding Meroe

Flooding Meroe

Another rescue operation is taking place in the kingdom of Meroe before the new damn at the fourth cataract floods the ancient kingdom.


- Czech Work At Wad Ban Naqa, Meroe
Radio Praha With audio and photos. An archaeological expedition organised by the National Museum has made remarkable finds in the area of Wad ban Naqa – ruins dating back to the Kingdom of Meroe in today’s Sudan. The Náprstek Museum is currently...

- Exhibition Review: Méroé, Un Empire Sur Le Nil
Al Ahram Weekly (David Tresilian) A detailed review of the exhibition. A spring exhibition at the Louvre in Paris is throwing unexpected light on the ancient history of Sudan, writes David Tresilian Housed in the temporary exhibition space in the Richelieu...

- Exhibition: The Great African Meroë Empire At The Louvre
afrik.com (Shahinez Benabed) With Meroitic timeline. Meroë is one of the great kingdoms of ancient Sudan. Perched next to it was Egypt, another, great kingdom. For several centuries, especially the late period and during the reign of Cleopatra, Meroë...

- Travel: Why Rough It All The Way?
Al Ahram Weekly A CAMP in the desert would at first trigger an association of roughness and even discomfort. That might be true in most cases but when it comes to Meroe Camp, the analogy is reversed completely. Located a couple of kilometres east of Meroe's...

- With The Rise Of Lake Nasser: 40 Years Later
The Aswan damn of the 1960's created a new lake and drowned the original sites of more than two dozen ancient monuments while completely drowning the Nile's less impressive architectural monuments such as a number of mud brick middle kingdom forts....

