Flooding Nubia - again

Flooding Nubia - again

http://tinyurl.com/c3plm (The Telegraph)
An article highlighting the potential loss of irreplaceable archaeological riches in the Sudan: "In a highly controversial move, the Sudanese government is planning to flood a vast stretch of the southern Nile valley as part of plans for a big hydro-electric dam at Merowe, near what was once the ancient city of Napata. The project has been criticised by environmental groups, who say it will lead to the displacement of about 50,000 people - small farmers and their families, who have tilled the Nile's fertile banks for centuries. The Sudanese government insists, however, that the Chinese-backed project should go ahead, saying it is essential to pull the country into the developed world. With the dam scheduled for completion in 2008, archaeologists are in a race against time to survey what will eventually become a 100-mile-long lake. . . . Already more than 700 sites of potential interest have been discovered in just one small part of the area to be flooded - showing the need not only for an urgent programme to rescue the most important artefacts, but also for a reappraisal of Sudan's archaeological importance".
The article quotes British Museum representatives and provides a short overview of what is known about the Sudanese history. Potentially important prehistoric sites are also under threat. See the above web page on The Telegraph's website for more.

- Online: Sudanplanet
SudanPlanet Available in Italian and English. With reports, overviews and some great photos. A new dam in the area of the 4th cataract will put under water all the islands and large territories along the Nile, up to Abu Hamed, sinking prehistoric and...

- Ancient Egypt Had Powerful Sudan Rival, British Museum Dig Shows
The Telegraph, UK (Stephen Adams) The Second Kushite Kingdom controlled the whole Nile valley from Khartoum to the Mediterranean from 720BC to 660BC. Now archaeologists have discovered that a region of northern Sudan once considered a forgotten backwater...

- The Case Of The Merowe Dam In Sudan
BN Village (Prof. Manu Ampim) Two-part posting which shows exerpts from a report which is available for purchase. In August 2007, I visited the Sudan for two weeks to conduct field research near the Merowe Dam area in the country’s northern region....

- Nubians Alarmed About Dam Plans
Radio Netherlands In Nubia, Northern Sudan, there is growing anxiety about the planned construction of three dams on the Nile. The Sudanese government refuses to reveal the plans and claims that nothing has been decided upon as yet. But Nubians fear the...

- Important Rescue Archaeology In The Sudan
http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php?article20843"Sudan’s archaeology is finally stepping out of Egypt’s shadow as teams work against the clock to rescue an entire swathe of Nile Valley heritage from the rising waters of a Chinese-built dam. 'The...

