For-Profit Exhibitions vs. Museums' Mission

For-Profit Exhibitions vs. Museums' Mission,0,6872498,print.story?coll=cl-home-top-blurb-right
"Among the questions confronting art-world leaders: Should nonprofit institutions such as LACMA, whose missions are educational, scholarly and aesthetic, hold hands with corporations that see museum galleries as profit centers? Are blockbuster shows worth doing if they dazzle the masses and ring the till, but offer no new insights or discoveries? Can you even really see art in a crowd? And should you have to pay an unprecedented $25 or $30 — plus handling charges for advance tickets — to do it? Or do such qualms look a gift horse in the mouth?" An article that addresses the much-talked of issue of there being a charge for the Tutankhamun exhibition currently touring the U.S. The New York Met refused the exhibition because of the compulsary entrance fee that accompanied it, which is almost double their recommended fee, but others have not been so squeamish. This is a long and very interesting piece. It ends with a summary of the top-ranked exhibitions in LACMA's history (headed by the 1978 Tutanhkamun exhibition). LACMA stands for Los Angeles County Museum of Art.

- Tutankhamun - Closing Stats "With a closing rush, King Tut's tally at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art reached 937,613 visitors, museum officials said Monday — the second-largest audience for any museum exhibition after the 1.25 million who saw...

- More On Extension Of Tutankhamun At Lacma"With more than 850,000 tickets sold since the exhibition opened on June 16, 2005, Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs has become the second most popular exhibition in LACMA's history, exceeded only by the 1978 visit...

- Hawass Says Tutankhamum Under-promoted Tutankhamun's visit to LACMA will be extended for another five days, to November 20th, it was announced yesterday. Officials estimate that around 900,000 visitors will have been to see the exhibition by the time closes, and...

- Tutankhamun Ticket Sales "More than 600,000 tickets to the Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs exhibit have been sold since it opened on June 16 at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)". For details about ticket availability at LACMA,...

- When Museums Play A Commodities Game An International Herald Tribune article discussing some of the controversies about public musuems and galleries becoming increasingly commercialized: "What's remarkable about the Tut show at the...

