Gender in Tomb Art

Gender in Tomb Art

Here an article on gender representation in ancient tomb art.

- Gender Representation In Ancient Egyptian Tomb Art
Examiner (Kim Jackson) One approach to understanding Egyptian art would be to question its raison d’etre. We already know that its major purpose was to serve the needs of the elite, especially the Pharaoh and his retainers, both in this life and the...

- Egyptology Websites
Thanks very much to Kat Newkirk for pointing out two websites which might be of interest to blog visitors. If anyone else wants to point out sites that they think may be of interest to other visitors to the blog, please let me know. An Introduction...

- Team Determines Gender Of Science Center’s Mummy
University of Louisville (Kevin Hyde) A University of Louisville research team recently helped the Louisville Science Center learn more about an old friend — a 2,600-year-old friend. Actually, the friend, a mummy called Then-Hotep, is more like a family...

- Sex And Gender In Ancient Egypt "Sex, drugs and rock'n'roll, cosmetic surgery, gay hairdressers, desperate housewives and a mysterious sex manual. A new TV offering aimed at overshadowing the BBC's sex and swords drama Rome? Well, no, actually -...

- Saving Kings Tombs In The Valley
Certainly the most important decorated tombs should be closed to protect the wall decorations but there must be a way of sealing off the painted burial chamber of Tutankhamen from tourists standing in the antechamber. Also tombs who's decoration is...

