Geoarchaeology August 2007

Geoarchaeology August 2007

Geoarchaeology Volume 22, Issue 6 (August 2007)
The excellent Geoarchaeology journal is featuring an Egypt-related article this month:
Holocene climatic change and human settlement between the central Sahara and the Nile Valley: Archaeological and geomorphological results (p 607-620) Olaf Bubenzer, Heiko Riemer. You will need to be a subscriber or pay for the article to view it, but the Abstract is available free of charge:

- Online: Geoarchaeological Research In Egypt And The Nile Valley
Geoarchaeology Many thanks, as usual, to Charles Ellwood Jones and his AWOL website for pointing to a special open edition of Geoarchaeology. Here's the introduction and see above for a full list of articles which are available in PDF format. Many...

- Charting The Holocene Movements Of The Nile At Karnak
The latest issue of Geoarchaeology includes the following article (available for purchase for 24 hours): Stratigraphic landscape analysis: Charting the Holocene movements of the Nile at Karnak through ancient Egyptian time (Bunbury, JM; Graham, A; Hunter,...

- Charting The Movements Of The Nile
Geoarchaeology There is an article in the most recent issue of Geoarchaeology which may be of interest. Unfortunately articles are not free to view online, but the abstracts can be viewed and 24 hour access to the articles can be purchased if required....

- Archaeometry August 2007
Archaeometry Issue 49(3)Thanks to Hugh Jarvis on the Lithics-L list ([email protected]) for drawing attention to the new edition of Archaeometry [49(3), August 2007]. As well as a fascinating list of titles on other subjects, there is a...

- Mummy Tar In Ancient Egypt A new study of tars used in the mummification process suggests that the ancient Egyptians sourced tars from a number of different sources in Egypt and the Near East. This article, in Geotimes magazine,...

