Giza Archive Project

Giza Archive Project

This amazing resource has been updated.

- Digitizing Giza"Step into the subterranean tomb of Meresankh III, a queen of Egypt, wife to her uncle, the pharaoh Khafre. Turn to the right and examine the hieroglyphs carved into the limestone...

- Giza Archives Project Website Wins Award"The ABC-CLIO Online History Awards are offered biennially to developers of freely available and sustainable online history resources that are useful and innovative. The award is administered...

- Giza Archives Project Spring 2006 issue of Egyptian Archaeology contains an article about the Giza Archives Project. Apologies that this is a bit late - I was updating one of my other websites last night...

- Interactive Photo-montage Of Giza Plateau This site, a brilliant resource, was updated on June 1st with the following zoomable and informative photo-montage of the Giza Plateau pyramids and cemeteries. Sorry that it took me 17...

- Giza Archives Project Update After four years of preparation the Giza Archives Project website was launched earlier this year, and was updated this month. It is located at the above URL. The site will continue to be developed as a centralized online repository...

