Glories of Ancient Egypt

Glories of Ancient Egypt
An irreverently cheerful look at the exhibition, now at Daytona Beach: "The A new exhibit at Daytona Beach's Museum of Arts and Sciences, Glories of Ancient Egypt, really socks you in the head with exactly how besotted they were with post-life experience. It's kind of sweet, really, this feeling of someone trying to wave to you from eons and half a world away.And you can see the wave in these artifacts from the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, more than 200 of them including the one that lured me in: a mummified kitten. Cat to the future. It rests in a glass case and looks a little like a potato that has grown into a somewhat lewd and funny shape. Goodbye Kitty is just one of an incredible number of funerary artifacts, including shawabtis, little figurines that did menial work for you in the afterworld (post-mortem PAs), and gold toe and nail tips for the mummies, similar in intent to fake nails people wear now. Continuing the fashion survey, one of my favorite artifacts is a beadnet dress and broadcollar (the Egyptians brought much of the stuff of life with them to their tombs). At about 4,000 years old, it looks less dated than acid-washed jeans. I also loved the kohl sticks and mirror, which came about 1,000 years later. The idea that dressing up and packing on the eyeliner has been an important custom for thousands of years is so "Circle of Life" . . . it would make me cry if I weren't afraid of wrecking my makeup and my new silk dress."

- Egyptian Exhibit Opens At Washington College
The Elm (Emily Salladale) What will you be leaving behind when you die? The Ancient Egyptians, whose civilization was one of the greatest of the ancient world, left behind many amazing things that have caught people’s attention throughout the world...

- Tombs Of Eternity: The Afterlife In Ancient Egypt Exhibition At Canadian Museum Of Civilization
Stan ParchinThe Canadian Museum of Civilization in Gatineau, Quebec presents Tombs of Eternity: The Afterlife in Ancient Egypt from December 19, 2008 to August 16, 2009. The exhibition explains the Egyptians' concept of death not as the end of life,...

- Exhibition: Treasures Of Ancient Egypt The Art Gallery of Nova Scotia opened a new exhibition yesterday, 5th October 2006: "A new exhibit at the AGNS called Treasures of Ancient Egypt lets people crack the code with over 200 artifacts,...

- More On The Glories Of Ancient Egypt Exhibition A description of the Glories of Ancient Egypt exhibition which is showing at Daytona for six months: "Doll-like figures manage the oars on a miniature wooden boat, and suntan-colored pigments still cling to the faces on Old Kingdom...

- Glories Of Ancient Egypt Exhibition, Daytona Beach"One of the season’s most anticipated cultural events is the opening of the Glories of Ancient Egypt exhibition at the Museum of Arts & Sciences. Considered one of the finest collections of its...

