Handbook Help

Handbook Help

Al Ahram Weekly

Although travellers nowadays mainly resort to the Internet for travel information and advice, guidebooks still attract quite a large number of tourists as they are well-researched, well-written, and can be taken wherever you go.

The proof that guidebooks are still in fashion is that hundreds of guidebooks are still printed and reprinted every year dealing with various topics of touristic interest.

Many guidebooks are still written about Egypt, its tourist attractions, ancient sites, customs, traditions, entertainment, food, flora and fauna.

Here is a list of some of the more interesting guidebooks recently published about Egypt.

See the above page for the short-list of three guides.

- Travelling Along On The Bookshelf
Al Ahram Weekly (Jill Kamil) Once upon a time and not so long ago, which is to say 60-odd years ago when the monarchy sailed away and the Free Officers took over, there were only two guidebooks on the market. One was the famous Baedeker guide to sites...

- Travel: Baedeker Is Back
Telegraph (Nigel Tisdall) If ageing rock bands can reform, why shouldn't well-respected guidebooks make a comeback? History does not record whether Karl Baedeker was a mean air guitarist, but he would surely give an appreciative drum roll to find...

- Short Biography Of Flinders Petrie
http://jameslogancourier.org/index.php?itemid=2139 "After surveying British prehistoric monuments in his teenage years (commencing with the late Romano-British 'British Camp' that lay within yards of his family home in Charlton) in attempts to...

- A Village Like No Other
http://tinyurl.com/a5k9tA travel feature describing a life-sized reproduction pharaonic village: "Not listed in the guidebooks and travel literature, the village comes as a pleasant surprise. Situated in the heart of Cairo, the Pharaonic village is the...

- Travel Guide Review: Illustrated Guide To Luxor
http://www.egypttoday.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=5600The Illustrated Guide to Luxor Tombs, Temples, and Museums by Kent R. Weeks "is much more than just a guide to the sites of the ancient city of Luxor. It includes, in extensive detail, information about...

