Happy birthday to the Luxor News blog

Happy birthday to the Luxor News blog

Best wishes and congratulations to Jane Akshar, whose Luxor News blog has been running for a year. Keep up the good work! Jane has updated the blog with some of the key items that have appeared on the site in the last year.

- Excavations At The Madrasa Area Near Karnak
http://touregypt.net/teblog/luxornews/?p=538 Jane Akshar's has posted some good photographs of the excavation at Madrasa on her Luxor News Blog: "If you remember Mansour Boraiks lecture about the SCA excavations http://touregypt.net/teblog/luxornews/?p=433...

- Luxor News
http://touregypt.net/teblog/luxornews/ Jane Akshar has been updating her blog, as usual, with some excellent information about current activities in Luxor. See the following web pages: Mummification Museum Lecture - Marriage Stele of Ramses II - Charles...

- Luxor News
Some news items by Jane Akshar on her Luxor News Blog http://touregypt.net/teblog/luxornews/ The Temple of Muthttp://touregypt.net/TEBlog/luxornews/?p=164 First, Jane has been lucky enough to visit the Temple of Mut, next to Karnak, where excavations...

- Mortuary Temple Of Amenhotep Ii
http://touregypt.net/TEBlog/luxornews/?p=127 Jane's been busy again: "There was furious activity at the temple of Amenhotep II the other day. This a mud brick temple situated next to the Ramasseum. According to the sign it is the Italian Archaeological...

- More News From Jane Akshar
http://touregypt.net/teblog/luxornews/Jane has updated her Luxor News Blog with the following items: Temple of Tawosret http://web.arizona.edu/~egypt/field.htm Jane has updated her posting with the URL for the excavations's website, as follows and...

