Happy New Year

Happy New Year

A terrific 2007 to everyone - I hope that it is a GREAT one.
Video: Excavating Television
To raise a New Year smile: "In this personal-voice and very witty short film by University of Southern California student Amy Ramsey, the archaeologist/filmmaker explores what the public knows, and often misconstrues, about her field of study. She interviews people and finds out that they often have inaccurate perceptions about archaeology. She concludes that the media are largely responsible for misleading people about archaeology and urges her audience to be a bit skeptical about archaeology stories they see and hear through media sources."
Windows Media Player or RealPlayer required.

From The Trenches: Top 10 Discoveries of 2006
Of general archaeological interest, but headed by the discovery and excavation of KV63 in the Valley of the Kings.

- Simulating Ancient Social Networks
Voices of the Past Wandering slightly off topic, I've posted this because I'm interested in the use of digital media for improving the presentation of archaeology. There's a lot of easily digestible information about the value of this sort...

- Conference: The Duke Symposium On Archaeology, Politics, And The Media
Biblioblogs The Duke Symposium on Archaeology, Politics, and the Media Duke University April 23-24, 2009 The Duke Symposium will explore the often-strained relations between archaeologists and the media and the concomitant impact on local communities...

- Archaeology Magazine's Top 10 Discoveries
http://www.archaeology.org/0901/topten/ Not Egyptology, of course, but I hope that this may be of interest to visitors. Archaeology Magazine has published the full text of its "Top 10 Discoveries of 2008" article online. For some archaeology buffs, 2008...

- New Book: Archaeology And The Media
Left Coast Press Thanks very much to co-author Marcus Brittain for his email to the Arch-Theory group ([email protected]) announcing the publication of a new book. I suspect that the examples will all be focused on Europe, but I thought that...

- Update: Mummy Sherit
http://www.prnewswire.com/mnr/intel/22421/Two videos (Windows Media Player or RealPlayer). The first shows video footage of the scan in process, the resulting images, the model of the child's skull, and is accompanied by interviews with those involved....

