

For those hoping for more information about the Egypt State Information Service announcement that the mummy of Hatshepsut has been found in the Cairo Museum, I have found no further information on the subject so far. There is a lot of speculation about which of the known mummies held in the Cairo Museum it might be, but there has been no further official announcement. The following is a short profile of Hatshepsut, timed for the transfer of the Hatshepsut: From Queen to Pharoah exhibition to the New York Met, which opens tomorrow:

http://tinyurl.com/qqe6s (newsday.com)
"The 18th Dynasty pharaoh Hatshepsut surely wins the prize for gutsiest cross-dresser of all time, if only because she played for the highest stakes. Hatshepsut ruled Egypt for two decades (from 1479 to 1458 BC), which makes her the first major female head of state - the first one we know about, anyway. While women could be leaders in ancient Egypt, a pharaoh was by definition male. So Hatshepsut had to invent a hybrid gender, presenting a challenge to the sculptors charged with translating her flesh into stone. Hatshepsut's fluid identity is the focus of a captivating and opportune exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum that focuses both on the fruitful period of her reign and on shifting representations of the woman herself."
See the full story on the above web page.

For more information about the exhibition itself, see the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art's website: www.metmuseum.org

- Hatshepsut Statues On Special View
Suite 101 (Stan Parchin) Thanks very much to Robert Espino for sending me the above link. Stone portraits of ancient Egypt's Queen Hatshepsut have found a temporary home in the Sackler Wing at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art. Two granite...

- Finding Hatshepsut
http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2007/849/eg3.htm A useful synthesis of the past and present of Hatshepsut. Nevine el-Aref gives a brief description of the reign of the female Pharaoh, takes a look at the tombs, caches and mummies most closely associated with...

- Queen's Mummy Arrives In Cairo
http://tinyurl.com/rnbwp (Egypt State Information Service) This somewhat confusing and very brief item is featured today on the Egypt State Information Service: "The mummy of Queen Hatshepsut arrived at Cairo Airport yesterday. The mummy, which was brought...

- Forthcoming Hatshepsut Exhibition
http://www.sis.gov.eg/online/html12/o210925d.htmThe State Information Service has announced the upcoming Hatshepsut exhibition: "Queen Hatshepsut fair travels to US. A fair item titled Hatshepsut: from Queen to Pharaoh is due to travel to San Francisco...

- Here Comes Hatshepsut
http://www.dfw.com/mld/dfw/entertainment/12471495.htm"The Kimbell Art Museum has announced that Hatshepsut, the most powerful female ruler of ancient Egypt, will be the subject of a show at the museum next year. Hatshepsut was more than a queen regent...

